A stay-at-home mom's survival guide to surviving 3 under 3.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Are Minivans Cool?

As I was rushing to get my twin boys off to Mother’s Day Out today at officially 36 weeks pregnant and in the freezing cold, I was debating about what today’s blog topic should be. Should it be that I completely turned my head when I saw my two year old climb up on the countertop using the drawers as his leverage to grab my iPhone 4 (without a cover) so he could play his music (mostly the Baby Einsteen music and occasionally Nelly, “In the Air..Air..Air..” another story for another day; ha!) or should it be about how I took my sweet time getting everything ready and then proceeded to rush everyone out the door hurriedly while escalating my voice because I am the one who waited till the last minute, or should it be that I wanted to cry the entire way to Mother’s Day Out because I had already seemed to fail twice at motherhood this morning and was already exhausted at 9am, or, or…

After I successfully dropped the boys off, gabbed with a few mommy friends and purchased my Starbucks, I was on my way back home! Aw. I listened to a voicemail that a dear friend had left me hoping that I had watched the Today show segment on minivans. I instantly knew THIS was the topic of my blog today!

On Saturday, my sweet friends threw the third baby-to-be a super cute shower! During the baby shower my guests kept asking me about what car my husband and I have decided on for the birth of our third child. Since we will have three under three, we will need three rows that can be utilized for three car seats and have enough cargo space in the back for three children’s strollers and their “stuff.” It would be nice if we could make a short road trip back home here and there and therefore, we will also need enough room for a pack n' play, luggage, food, the kitchen sink, etc etc. (Not wanting to purchase that dreadful rack to go on top) All my guests kept pushing the minivan.

“Just go look at it!” they would say.

“They aren’t that bad!”

“You need practicality now; nothing is for looks anymore.”

“There is no way you can get in and out of a suburban with three little ones. Do you know how hard that will be to constantly get back to buckle those twins in?”

“I would totally get one if I had three under three.” (somehow I doubt this one)

You have to understand, throughout my twenties, all I wanted to be was that mom in her X5 with her two kids meeting friends at Nordstrom’s in the Dallas Galleria for lunch. I would stroll them around the mall looking at kids clothes and new purses. Lunches would be delicious and easy going. Then we would all go home for naps. Funny how your fantasies have NO links to reality. 

Reality is: With two kids you can’t afford an X5.  There is no way you can enjoy a delicious meal that is easy going. Going to the mall actually sounds way too stressful and if you did suck it up and go, you have to deal with getting the kids in their strollers, in the dreaded mall parking lot, and then try like hell to keep them in them throughout the duration of your time there. If you did get to join a friend for lunch, it would have to be fast and easy, like the food court, and you probably would have to eat your meal so fast you wouldn’t even get to taste it. Lastly, the mess you would have to clean up would completely throw you for a loop and add to your stress level even more while enduring ‘stares’ from the non-moms there!

So anyways, a minivan was just not in my fantasy.

For a year, I did get to drive a semi-dream mommy mobile, which we just sold to purchase our new (unknown at this time) extended mommy mobile. It was the Lexus RX and was the best car I have EVER driven. It was soooo nice! The downside is, it was so nice for me and my two kids. Now, there will be three. Three in car seats. Three under three! In the RX, I could push a button and a lady would come over the loud speaker and ask me where I wanted to go today. I could simply tell her my destination and she would download it for me. I could listen to Coffee House music (when the boys weren’t in the car) on XM and drink my Starbucks and drive to Hobby Lobby and purchase ribbon.

Now, my husband and I are faced with the dilemma of which car do we buy?

A suburban. Used. 
Or, drumroll.... a Minivan?

After the minivan bantering at my shower, my husband and I decided we should give the minivan a look. So, on a Saturday night, when everyone else was enjoying cocktails with friends, we loaded the boys up and drove to the Honda dealership.

How did we end up here?

How did we end up here on a Saturday night, none the less!

I would describe the minivan as a non-looker. She ain’t that pretty on the outside.

We decided to take the boys in and take a really good look on the inside since the outside was screaming NO!!! RUN!!!! 

The boys actually LOVED it.

I did love the fact that you can take a bucket seat out on the second row and have super easy access to the third row.

The back cargo space has a dip down so there is more room vertically but not necessarily horizontally.

When you sit in the drivers seat, it is pretty nice. There are lots of features and you don’t notice the super short, kind of ugly front.

Now, if I take a step back, how do I really feel about this?  Do I just need to suck it up and swallow my pride?

On the Today show, they said that the minivan is like a pair of sweatpants. I agree! They don’t get you very far in the looks department, but boy are they comfortable! I love being comfy! I also once heard that tennis shoes are only for the gym. You shouldn’t throw them on with a pair of jeans and go out for the day. You should always put on a nice shoe even if you have jeans on and are out running errands. I uphold to this now…most of the time!

Does this all relate?

Is the minivan like the sweat pant and the tennis shoe? Even though they are super comfortable and practical, do we sacrifice them just for looks?

And there you have it: 


According to this YouTube video, maybe the minivan IS cool!!!

I mean, is my life even REALLY that cool anymore? I do not have the clothes and jewelry and purse budget anymore. I really do not have the time to go out with girlfriends for wine as much and I definitely do not get to frequent exotic tropical destinations anymore!  So, what do you think? Minivan? or Suburban?

I guess you will have to stay tuned for the answer!

My prayer for today:
"Lord, please help us as mommies by humble in our new role. Remind us that it is not about looks that please You. We are to strip ourselves of all those worldly expectations and remember that You are the one we need to please. It is not about things, it is about You. It is about being a good mom and raising good kids. It is not about the cars we drive but who we are when driving them.  In Jesus name, make us better mommies who don't feel like we have to have better "things" 
- Amen.

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